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The health benefits of soya

High in protein and used as a vegetarian and lactose alternative for many foods, soya has transcended its Asian origins to become the most widely cultivated legume across the globe. Nutritionist Jo Lewin shares the nutritional highlights, recent research findings and a host of recipes to help you understand and utilise the many forms of soya...

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An introduction to soya

Like other beans, the soya bean (Glycine max) grows in pods enclosing edible seeds. They are usually green but can be yellow, brown or black. The texture is so adaptable that soya beans are frequently processed into a variety of foods. Soya beans – also known as edamame beans when eaten fresh from the pod - are consumed as an alternative to meat. They are the basis of soya milk, tofu, miso, tempeh and soya protein.


The soya bean plant is native to China, where it has been cultivated for well over 13,000 years. It was an essential crop for the ancient Chinese who regarded it a necessity for life. Soya beans were introduced into other regions of Asia centuries later and it wasn’t until the early 20th century that it began to be used for more than animal feed in the West. The soya bean is now the most widely grown and utilised legume worldwide.

Since the 1970s there has been a marked increase in the consumption of traditional soya foods and the development of other soya foods which simulate traditional meat and dairy products such as soya milk, soya sausages, soya cheese and soya yogurts. 

Nutritional highlights

The key benefits of soya are its high protein content, vitamins, minerals and insoluble fibre. The soya bean has been transformed into a number of popular soya based foods including:

  • Miso – a fermented soya bean paste that is used as a flavouring, popular in Asian cuisine. It is a good source of many minerals.

  • Tempeh – is an Indonesian specialty typically made by cooking and dehulling soya beans and forming a textured, solid ‘cake’. It is a very good source of protein, B vitamins and minerals.

  • Tofu – also known as bean curd is made from soya milk by coagulating the soya proteins with calcium or magnesium salts. The whey is discarded and the curds are processed. It is an excellent source of iron and calcium and a very good source of protein.

100g serving of soya beans contains:173kcal   17g protein   1g sat fat   10g crabohydrate6g fibre    

The high fibre content makes soya beans and other soya containing foods valuable in cases of constipation, high cholesterol and type -2 diabetes


Soybeans are a common allergen. Raw or sprouted soya beans contain substances called goitrogens, which can interfere with thyroid gland activity. Soya also contains oxalate. Individualswith a history of oxalate containing kidney stones should avoid overconsumption. Women who have or have had oestrogen-sensitive breast tumours should restrict their soya intake to no more than four servings per week. 

Although studies don’t give us any clear guidance on eating soya-rich foods, women with oestrogen receptor positive breast tumours should restrict their soya intake to no more than four servings per week and should avoid soya isoflavone supplements. Before changing your diet, it is advisable that you speak to your GP or alternative health professional.

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